Trying to stay sane whilst isolating at home? Why not learn some new hobbies!
If you’ve said the words “I’m bored” in the last 24 hours, then you’ve come to the right place. Because let’s face it, there’s only so much television you can handle until your body starts itching for something productive to do.
Give yourself a break from the mundane and enliven that sparkling mind of yours. Better yet, let us help you with these eight cool things you should learn right now:
If you know how to read and speak, you can easily learn to write. The ultimate crux of writing is either entertaining or enlightening an audience. Stick to that and you’re on your way to stardom! And we really mean that. Freelancing through writing is still a vibrant industry at the moment.
The best way to learn about writing is through your favourite authors. Nearly every great writer has published a book about writing. We recommend Stephen King’s On Writing, but you can also find a plethora of content on the craft of language. Just remember that different skills come with different types of writing. Writing a short story is different from writing a newspaper article.
Our top tip for writing is reading heaps and reading with an open mind. How else do you generate ideas?
Poetry is a whole new ball game compared to other forms of writing. In poetry, it’s all about timing, rhythm and the feel of each word. And with plenty of competitions still being hosted by Australian Poetry, why not make it a chance to win some money?
There’s not a lot of content out there that meticulously shares all the ins and outs of poetry, so a lot of people tend to learn from reading other poetry or checking out short online tutorials. However, we’ve discovered Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled which is a wonderful complete guide to all things poetry.
It must be said, though, that not all great poetry rhymes, but the best ones do.
The great thing about gardening is how much money you can save in groceries. The next greatest thing is you don’t have to waste the whole day doing it. A little watering here and there, a bit of weeding and perhaps a smidge of pruning is all you need to do to grow wonderful vegetables and fruits.
And even those living in apartments with little space can grow some worthwhile plants like herbs and spices. A window sill or a small balcony is all you really need.
If you’re looking for some self-help, try this simple guide to growing vegetables at home.
Stretch those muscles and invigorate your mind with a good dose of yoga each day. In fact, keeping active is one of our top tips for self-isolation!
The best way to try your hand at this exercise is through YouTube, where active gurus share their yoga stretches and poses to the world. And once you get the knack for it, you can work it into your own daily routine.
If this is your new goal, then it is important that you get yourself a good quality mat to protect your joints and support your practice. For this, we’d recommend Yoga Everywhere and their beautiful range of mats that’s perfect for hot yoga, bikram as well as floor-based pilates!
Cooking and Baking
Don’t waste your money on takeout when you’ve got a perfectly good kitchen to use. And to think of all the cool new tricks you could learn. How about a profiterole tower? Well, if you’ve got the patience…
Of course, cooking at home doesn’t just do wonders for your mental and intellectual strength, it also affords you more power in a healthy and balanced diet. And with a virus on the loose, healthy eating is the best way to boost your immune system.
But we’re not going to judge if you succumb to that sweet tooth of yours. In fact, allow us to help by sharing this Just Desserts recipe book by Charlotte Ree.

Breathe sign. Image: Fabian Møller via Unsplash
Meditating is way more than just sitting cross-legged with your fingers pinched above each knee. There are so many ways to meditate that even if you don’t consider yourself a meditator, you’re probably already doing it. Even something as simple as lying in bed listening to your favourite music is a version of meditating, albeit a simple one.
If you’re truly keen on learning the importance of meditation, it’s more than just tuning out of the real world. It’s effectively a way of controlling your wayward mind. Think of it as a workout for your mind. Being able to meditate successfully gives you the tools to deal with unpleasant situations, much like this viral pandemic we’re going through.
You can find plenty of meditation guides and help online, especially through YouTube, but we highly recommend reading Heavily Meditated by Caitlin Cady.
Cocktail Making
With many of you in isolation getting on the giggle juice right now, it’s important to drink responsibly. But why not make it a classy adventure too?
Build, shake or stir some crazy concoctions in the comfort of your own home. Plus, what makes it easier now is that many bars or tipple dispensaries are offering home delivery too! But the one that has always delivered is Dan Murphy’s, and they can help you out getting the right goods and even share cocktail recipes and tips.
And if you’re looking to mix up your wine drinking, why not check out our favourite wine-infused cocktails.
Basic Home Repairs
Not only is hiring a handyman hard on the wallet, but it’s also not ideal in this social distancing world. Learning basic home repairs is a perfect way to keep your home in tip-top shape without compromising on money and health.
Got a leaky tap that needs tightening? Perhaps you’ve got a creaky door that needs adjusting? Or maybe you want to build your own spice rack? Whatever your problems or plans, you can learn it all in this complete handyman guide for do-it-yourself projects at home!