Well Perth, you made it through lockdown!

And according to most of you*, spending this week cooped up in your house was the right call.

Snap lockdowns implemented in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth in recent months have become a popular means of managing ‘outbreaks’. But Perth’s decision to lock down the entire metropolitan area and Peel region (south of Perth) over one case raised a few eyebrows.

The approach differs greatly to that taken on the east coast, where New South Wales and Victoria have successfully contained recent outbreaks through the use of localised lockdowns.

Earlier this week we polled our Perth-based members to find out whether you agreed with the West Australian government’s decision to enforce a five-day lockdown. Turns out the answer was an overwhelming YES, with 97% of you supporting the decision.

With Perth’s response lauded in the New York Times recently as a lesson for the rest of the world on how to handle a pandemic, Premier McGowan’s hard-line approach also won your praise, with nearly 8 in 10 of you* (79.0%) extremely satisfied with how he’s handled COVID-19.

Time will tell whether West Aussies continue to back McGowan when it comes to the state election, but for now, get out there and enjoy the post-lockdown freedom.

Just don’t forget to wear your mask!

Staying in? Here are four easy ways to keep active during a COVID-19 lockdown. And if you’re feeling down, these five expert tips are sure to help you stay positive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

*Research run by Hunter & Bligh Media to its West Australian email subscribers from 02 February to 03 February 2021.
Feature image: Photographed by Tai’s Captures. Image via Unsplash.