It seems that 2018 is the year for looping artists, colloquially known as loopers. But who are the trendsetters?

It’s a self-sufficient way to perform live. Your voice, matched with quick fingers and any instrument you choose, becomes your three-piece band. It’s become a music craze as of late, and there’s only one thing to do when a fad takes flight, and that is to know everything about it.

So, allow us to share with you the influencers, the trendsetters and those who are so damn good. Starting with the man who made it go mainstream.


1. Bernhoft

Several years ago this track was released and following that Bernhoft has been releasing albums casually throughout the years. His latest album was released January last year. He possesses a style that is quite indie-pop, and his looks are a nice drawcard for the fans who swoon for sexiness as well as brilliant vocals. He has and still is, turning heads, so keep an eye on this one. Check out his website for more.


2. Beardyman

With the original name of Darren Foreman, Beardyman is a leading force for sound manipulation and looping. He is also someone to look out for if you’re wanting to loop yourself rather than watch on the sidelines. Check out his website for more.

3. Morf

Sydneysiders, do you recognize the setting? You may have seen and heard his vocal talents mid-shop at Pitt Street Mall in Sydney. Morf is considered the world’s most-watched street performer. He travels the globe to share his talent, and with this video attaining 1.7 million views, and with any more effort and publicity, Morf could very well be next influential looper. Check out his website for more.


4. Netta Barzilai

Netta’s very well known for her chicken dance and telling men she’s not their toy, but viewing past performances makes you yearn for more. This performance, played on the Israeli show Rising Star which led her to the world stage of Eurovision, is a raw and emotional experience. It’s deeper and more heart-tugging than TOY. It also shows how versatile looping is. Some songs don’t need to be saturated with sounds, and this song proves. One of our other favourite tunes from her on this show is her Sing Hallelujah mashup.

On behalf of the human race, Netta, never stop looping. Ever.

5. Dub FX

Sam Perry, sorry to say, is not the first successful looping artist born in Australia. That title goes to Dub FX. He’s been doing it for a while, too. In fact, you may have seen him perform if you’re a regular festival attendee. His birth name is Benjamin Stanford, and he’s established a name for himself that has won hearts around the world. Currently, he’s touring Europe, but you’ll see his face around Australia soon. We’re sure of it. Check out his website for more.

6. Sam Perry

Just before he landed on The Voice, Sam did a live session with Pile TV (YouTube channel) in January this year (which you can view it above). Before that, he was perfecting his talents. Here he is back in 2013, performing his song Halo. Last year he performed his rendition of Choir Boy. There’s no doubt he’ll go far, and with his long history and experience in looping, it’ll be made easier.

Feature image: Photographed by Marcela Laskoski. Image via Unsplash.