It’s now easier than ever to boost your superannuation at no extra cost or effort.
COVID-19 has caused over 3 million Aussies to withdraw a chunk out of their super this year. If you’re one of these people, or just want a simple way to grow your superfund anyway, Boost Your Super is the perfect solution.
And the key to this simple trick comes from everyone’s favourite COVID-19 pastime – online shopping.
Unsurprisingly, sales from online shopping have skyrocketed this year. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Retail Trade, Australia July 2020 Supplementary COVID-19 Analysis – Online Sales report, Aussies have spent nearly a whopping $3 million online shopping as of July this year. Additionally, over 80 percent of the population now regularly shops online.
We’re already indulging in online retail therapy, so why not get a little boost to your super while you’re at it?

Man uses credit card online. Image by Rubinpix dot com via Unsplash
Here’s how.
Boost Your Super is a platform that helps you easily raise free contributions to your superannuation each time you shop online. Earn free cashback when you shop, without paying an extra cent. Simply sign up for free and next time you’re shopping online, Boost Your Super will receive a commission from the retailer and pay this directly into your super account where it can grow long-term.
Boost Your Super has partnered with over 480 retailers that you already know and love, from Dan Murphy’s and The Iconic to ASOS, Amazon and The Book Depository – you’ll never miss out on free super again. For their full list of partners, click here.
Sounds too good to be true? Well it’s not.
“You pay exactly the same amount you would when buying items without Boost Your Super. Sometimes you actually pay less because we also notify members about special deals retailers are offering,” says Ngoya ‘Pep’ Pepela, Founder of Boost Your Super. “Our aim is simply to help online shoppers effortlessly get more engaged with their super so they can retire with more.”
To make things simpler, you can download a free Google Chrome extension, Boost Your Super Notifier, to notify you each time you can earn cashback from a retailer.
- Shopping Bags. Image by Jacek Dylag via Unsplash.
“Superannuation is a really powerful wealth creation vehicle for Australians.” says Paridhi Jain, Founder of SkilledSmart. “Unfortunately, a lot of people find it overly complicated, boring, or something to worry about later. In reality, the sooner you take control of your super, the better for your finances.”
“What seems like a ‘small’ contribution today can snowball into some really big numbers… if someone in their 20s or 30s started contributing an extra few hundred dollars to their super every year, by the time they retire in their 60s those additional contributions could be worth tens of thousands of dollars!”
So, what are you waiting for? Get shopping!
Find out how much free extra super you could be getting a year by heading to Boost Your Super’s handy Boost Your Super Calculator tool.
Looking for a job during COVID-19? Make sure to check out our top 7 tips for job hunting during uncertain times. Or, if you’ve got super extra time and you’re looking to upskill your existing talents, then find out how without spending a single cent.